Republiki Chorwacji
w Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej
Polski (Polish) Chorwacki
>> Pozivamo u Hrvatsku sve ljubitelje Hrvatske i one koje još nisu poznali Hrvatske! Šarmantna mjesta, sunce, topla i čista voda, lijepe planine i vruća srca čekaju vas !!! <<
19 kwietnia 2024r.

Povijesni kalendar:

11. travnja 1992. godina

Poljska i Hrvatska uspostavljaju diplomatske odnose.

1. travnja 2008. godina

Hrvatska postaje članica Organizacije  Sjevernoatlantskog Ugovora znači NATO. Kao članica NATO Hrvatska je suodgovorna za stabilnost međunarodnih projekata i sudjeluje u mirovnim misijama u cijelom svijetu.



lectures for students of AGH at the Consulate of the Republic of Croatia

On the 3rd of December 2013, at the Consulate of the Republic of Croatia in Cracow, a lecture aimed for the students of the Faculty of Management (the tourism management field) of University of Science and Technology took place. The deputy dean of the Faculty, Mr Dariusz Sala, Ph.D., had made a request for the lecture which was given by the Honorary Consul Pawel Wlodarczyk and in which forty-eight university students took part.

The Consul depicted in detail the current structure of Croatian tourism management, from the ministerial level to self-government structures and all sorts of touristic organisations. He also informed the participants about the plans of investing in Croatian tourism which is scheduled by the Croatian government for the years 2014-2020, with the use of the EU financial resources granted for this purpose as a part of so called new financial perspective. In conclusion of the two-hour meeting, the students watched a movie about Croatian tourist attractions. The lecture met with a great deal of interest among the participants, which was mirrored in the number of questions concerning the possibilities of Croatian tourism.